Distributed Computing (Conference Subject)

'Hopelessness and Confidence in Distributed Systems Design' by Camille Fournier

Distributed Teams Conference - Day 1

An Algorithmic Theory of Brain Networks

Distributed Systems - Fast Tech Skills

Abstractions for Expressive, Efficient Parallel and Distributed Computing

System and Algorithm Co-Design, Theory and Practice, for Distributed Machine Learning

Matthew Rocklin - Democratizing Distributed Computing with Dask and JupyterHub - PyCon 2018

Distributed Computing

Distributed Deterministic Dataflow Programming - Christopher Meiklejohn

Distributed Computing with MATLAB, Simulink, and ROS

Introduction to project Orleans for your distributed applications - Johnny Hooyberghs - NDC Oslo

LISA21 - Organizational Design for Technical Emergency Response in Distributed Computing Systems

[VDTRIESTE22] Spring For Architects - Conference by Nate Schutta and Jakub Pilimon

Distributed Computing with Spark, Reza Zadeh 20140623

Coreos' Kelsey Hightower on the State of Distributed Computing

Top 5 techniques for building the worst microservice system ever - William Brander - NDC London 2023

Concursus: Event Sourcing Evolved • Tareq Abedrabbo & Dominic Fox • GOTO 2016

Distributed Computing challenges in the gaming & betting industry - Suavek Zając(Lambda Days 2017)

The Verification of a Distributed System • Caitie McCaffrey • GOTO 2016

Interaction Protocols: It's All About Good Manners • Martin Thompson • YOW! 2019

'Testing Distributed Systems w/ Deterministic Simulation' by Will Wilson

'Programming Distributed Systems' by Mae Milano

Ivan Beschastnikh - Software comprehension and diagnosis by modeling and capture-and-replay

End-to-End ML pipelines with Beam, Flink, TensorFlow, and Hopsworks (Beam Summit Europe 2019)